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Keynote Projects

The Air Force Center of Environmental Excellence and Human Systems Division Edwards Air Force Base, California

EST has performed soil gas survey services for a national environmental consulting and engineering company at various areas of concern in support of the Installation Restoration Program (IRP) at Edwards Air Force Base (AFB), California.  The areas where EST performed soil gas survey services South Base Operable Unit, within the National Aeronautics and Space Administration/Ames-Dryden Flight Test (NASA) Facility, Operable Unit 6, within the Phillips Laboratory area, within the NASA Investigation Area and the Main Base Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, Operable Unit 8, and the Main Base Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, Operable Unit 8 located at the Northwest Main Base.  Environmental assessment activities and EST’s involvement with Edwards AFB project is ongoing.

All work performed at Edwards AFB was performed under biological concerns restrictions.  The soil gas survey included the installation of over 500 soil gas probed at depths ranging from 2 to 10 feet below grade.  Fieldwork was performed in Modified Level D personal protection equipment.  Soil gas samples were analyzed on-site for selected halogenated and aromatic hydrocarbons, methane, and total petroleum hydrocarbons and jet fuel (JP4) using EST’s mobile environmental laboratories.  Soil gas sampling and analyses were performed in accordance with DTSC/LARWQCB guidelines.  The project was completed on time and within budget constraints.

Air Force Plant 42, Palmdale, California

EST performed multiple phases of soil gas monitoring and direct-push soil sampling at Air Force Plant (AFP) 42, Palmdale, California for national environmental consulting and engineering company.  Multiple sites within AFP 42 were investigated as part of a final remedial investigation performed for the Air Force Installation Restoration Program.  The objectives of soil gas monitoring and direct-push soil sampling were to identify potential vados zone source areas of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and assess the lateral and vertical extents of VOCs in soil.  Environmental assessment activities and EST’s involvement with the AFP 42 project is ongoing.

Sites were investigated using soil gas surveys and direct-push soil sampling methods including open, unpaved burn areas, unlined drainage ditches, tarmac and asphalt-paved runway areas (some covered with Marsden-matting).  Field work was performed in Level D personnel protective equipment (PPE), with provision to Level C PPE upgrade if warranted by field conditions.  EST field personnel collected approximately 500 soil gas samples at AFP 42.  Each of the soil gas samples were analyzed onsite for halogenated (HVOCs) and aromatic hydrocarbons (BTEX) using ESTs mobile environmental laboratories.  As a special project requirement, the soil gas sample analyses were performed using a 30 minute to 1 hour turnaround time to facilitate real-time decisions in the field.  Soil samples were collected by EST field staff at locations and depths specified by the client.
Soil gas sample analyses were performed according to DTSC/LARWQCB guidance documents.  Analytical QA/QC procedures included recovery of surrogate compounds, multi-point equipment calibrations, laboratory control samples, daily mid-point calibration checks, and blank injections.  Field work was performed without incident or accident.  Each phase of this project involving EST was completed on schedule and within budget.

Orange County Water District North Basin, Fullerton Anaheim and Placentia, California

EST performed soil gas surveys, soil and groundwater sampling services for an environmental law firm representing the Orange County Water District at over 40 sites within the OCWD North Basin Area.  The sites included past aerospace industry properties that utilized organic solvents in their manufacturing processes.  EST provided sampling and testing services as part of the assessment team assembled by the law firm.  The objectives of the soil gas, soil and groundwater testing program were to identify potential sources of VOC contamination in groundwater within the OCWD North Basin area.  Soil gas surveys were performed at multiple depths ranging between 10 and 70 feet below the ground surface.  Individual and nested soil gas probes were installed and sampled by EST field technicians and chemists.  Over 300 soil and soil gas samples were analyzed using EST’s mobile environmental laboratories.  Environmental assessment activities and EST’s involvement with the OCWD North Basing project is ongoing.

Chemical Injection Services at Various Sites in Southern California

Service Station Site, Long Beach California
EST performed multiple injections of RegenOx ™ solution into 20 direct-push probe borings at a service station site in Long Beach, California.  RegeneOx ™ is a proprietary environmental remediation product produced by Regenesis Corporation for in-situ direct chemical oxidation of organic compound contamination in soil and groundwater.  EST pressure injected 150 pounds of RegeneOx™ into a 10 foot thick contaminated zone at depths ranging from about 25 feet to 35 feet for the in-situ remediation of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination.

Long Beach Middle Harbor, Pier T Marine Terminal, Long Beach California
EST performed the injection of Hydrogen Releasing Compound (HRC™) into 16 direct-push probe borings at the Long Beach Middle Harbor in Long Beach, California.  HRC™ is a proprietary environmental remediation product produced by Regenesis Corporation primarily used for the in-situ remediation of chlorinated organic solvents by stimulation of naturally occurring anaerobic bacteria (bio-stimulation).  EST pressure injected 150 pounds of HRC into the shallow groundwater from 25 feet to 40 feet below grade for the in-situ remediation of organic solvent contamination.

Former Metal Plating Facility, Los Angeles California
EST performed multiple injections of HC™ into 28 direct-push probe borings at a former metals plating facility in Los Angeles, California.  EST pressure injected 1,560 pounds of HRC™ into a semi-confined groundwater zone located between 25 feet and 35 feet for the in-situ remediation fo chlorinated organic solvents including tetrachloroethene (PCE) and richloroethene (TCE).  Remediation performance monitoring was subsequently performed by EST under a General Waste Discharge (WD) Permit issued by the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board.

Former Drycleaners Site, Garden Grove California
EST performed multiple injections of sodium permanganate down gradient of a former dry cleaning facility in Garden Grove, California.  EST pressure injected 4,300 gallons of 10% sodium permanganate solution into 38 direct-push probe borings over three events for treatment of PCE-impacted groundwater beneath a vacant lot adjacent to the former dry cleaners site by direct chemical oxidation.  Remediation performance monitoring was subsequently performed by EST under the Orange County Health Care Agency and Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board oversight.